Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So Naive

I was riding through downtown the other day after work and all of a sudden I heard this deep rhythmic chanting- a protest chant. So after following the sounds, I finally see two rows of people and flags, separated by police barriers. On one side, Israeli and American flags. On the other, Palestinian flags. And I thought, "Ooh, maybe it's a peace rally?"

No such luck. It was just what you imagine it was.

So, I took some pictures. Walked down and took some more. My bike was with me, so I had to be careful of the pedestrians. I made my way back, through the pro-Israel side- only because there was more space- and as I tried to pass, a little gray haired lady tried to catch my eye. Despite my best efforts, she got me. "Are you Jewish?", she asked. Damn it! I've been shot...

What could I do? I stopped and replied, "Well, I was raised Jewish, but I'm not anymore." This was
hard for her to swallow. I ended up chatting with her and two other ladies about why I don't agree with them. Actually, what I said was that I think both sides need to take responsibility for their actions. They did not like this, at all.

It was a very interesting encounter. Me, the "rebellious" Jewish girl who's politics and spirituality are confused, and the Chosen People (in their own words!), here to guide me back to the Chosen Faith.
I believe spirituality is important. But institutionalized religion is dangerous. John Lennon was right. Just, Imagine. What if, when we look at each other, we saw brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Neighbors, not enemies. What if we respected each other enough to say, Yeah, we disagree about some things but lets set aside our egos and figure out a way to live together. I know it's not so simple. But, isn't it worth striving for?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Little Wooden Shelf

side1 and top
top and side2
side2 and bottom

I've painted this little wooden shelf. Only rules: limited palate. Black, brown, purple, green, orange. I'm quite happy with the result.


I decided that I needed a better way to keep in touch with people, but I didn't want to get sucked into the worlds of Myspace and Facebook. Something with open access and a flexible format. Aha! A blog!

So here I am. Preparing the seedlings for my Urban Garden. Who knows what will sprout? Here's to the myriad possibilities of a great harvest!