Monday, November 21, 2011

The threat of a police raid no longer phases OccupySF

Christopher Ray, Media Liason for OccupySF

With a camera slung across my shoulders and an emergency contact scribbled on my arm in permanent black ink, I rushed off to Occupy SF this Sunday night after catching wind that a raid was expected around 1a.m.

There was no raid and although some folks were worried that something might happen, most people I talked to weren't. They talked about resilience and struggle. Some of the occupiers are homeless, except for the camp at Justin Herman Plaza. Some are students. All in all, dozens of tents are pitched.

Tents spread out at Justin Herman Plaza, aka OccupySF

I had two questions for people: how long have you been here? And are you worried about a raid?

One gentleman, who identified himself as Jai Veda, kindly reminded me that fear and regret get in the way of what's really important.

Jason Gregory, left, and Jai Veda