Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Psst... Does the BBC Know that Pandas Aren't Human?

Is it just me or are panda bears still, technically, considered... well, panda bears? The BBC seems to think they fit into a retrospective of memorable women from 2011. Animals of any sort were notably absent from the men's section.

Really, BBC? You couldn't find any human women to profile for the month of December? What about the woman who was dragged, beaten and stripped during a protest in Cairo on December 18? Taylor Swift was just named Woman of the Year by Billboard, for goodness sake.

Next time, BBC, maybe you should try a little harder. Or at least be fair and dedicate equal space to animals in the men's section. Might I suggest the story about the croccodile that attacked a lawnmower in Australia (you reported it)? Granted, it came out after your article was published but you get the idea.