Monday, September 20, 2010

Park(ing) Day!

September 17, 2010.
Reclaiming the streets for people (and parks)!
Here, some "tea party"-ers enjoy each others' company along Fell St, near the "Wiggle", a popular bike path that curves around some more difficult hills.

Muir Woods, Marin

A Poem...

Leaves and moss and light
Mud slides underneath my boots

As I traverse through these
Natural wonders


The fractured spindles
Of old, fallen trees 

Pierce the ground

As the light
Breaks through
The leaves
Of the forest canopy

Like Water on Asphalt...

Wait, that's exactly what it is!

All in the name of keeping the Panhandle (and, I'm sure, the rest of Golden Gate Park) green and desirable for tourists. But at what cost? Seems like a waste of city dollars and precious water, to me. Plus, it really sucks getting drenched at night while passing through on my bike.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Beef Tartare- oh my!

I'm feeling adventurous- enough so that I decided to make beef tartare, a raw beef dish. Now, I've had it once before, in France, but a cookbook inspired me to create it myself. Using only the best ingredients, the result was spectacular! Creamy and beefy, all in one. Mmmmm.

I based my recipe off of one from the cookbook "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. It would have made a nice appetizer for 2-4 people- or dinner for one, in my case...

1/3 lb pastured local beef tenderloin (aka filet mignon)
dash of chopped red onion
1Tb fresh chopped cilantro
1tsp dijon mustard
1 local pastured egg yolk
pinch of sea salt and pepper

Dice the beef into smaller chunks and then combine all ingredients in a food processor, until well blended. Voilá! I served this with blanched romano beans and sourdough bread with butter. Quite a treat!