Monday, September 6, 2010

Beef Tartare- oh my!

I'm feeling adventurous- enough so that I decided to make beef tartare, a raw beef dish. Now, I've had it once before, in France, but a cookbook inspired me to create it myself. Using only the best ingredients, the result was spectacular! Creamy and beefy, all in one. Mmmmm.

I based my recipe off of one from the cookbook "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. It would have made a nice appetizer for 2-4 people- or dinner for one, in my case...

1/3 lb pastured local beef tenderloin (aka filet mignon)
dash of chopped red onion
1Tb fresh chopped cilantro
1tsp dijon mustard
1 local pastured egg yolk
pinch of sea salt and pepper

Dice the beef into smaller chunks and then combine all ingredients in a food processor, until well blended. Voilá! I served this with blanched romano beans and sourdough bread with butter. Quite a treat!

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